Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Japanese Trademarks That You Might Find Interesting

Kotaku has posted some trademarks from a bunch of prominant Japanese publishers, which they found through GoNintendo, which were apparently posted on NeoGAF. So if you're hearing about them here, this will officially be 4th hand information.

Here are the reported trademarks in no particular order:

スクエニ (Square Enix)
商願2008-069267 POLLUXENGINE
商願2008-071359 BLOODOFBAHAMUT

セガ (Sega)
商願2008-069004 でこぼこモータース (Dekoboko Motors) (Bumpy Motors)
商願2008-069693 §GALiLEO\FACTORY\ガリレオファクトリー (Galileo Factory)
商願2008-070753 シャイニングフォースギア\SHININGFORCEGEAR
商願2008-071457 天空盤 (Tenkuuban) (Sky Board)
商願2008-071458 TouchLive

カプコン (Capcom)
商願2008-066875 Doka!Doka!我天丸 (Gatenmaru)\ドカ!ドカ!がてんまる
商願2008-067604 ノイズ改造ギア (Noise Kaizou Gear) (Noise Mod Gear)

AQインタラクティブ (AQ Interactive)
商願2008-070443 CUBEmALL

バンナム (Namco Bandai)
商願2008-064789 ソルバルウ\SOLVALOU
商願2008-065882 大量破壊マシンガンゲーム (Tairyou Hakai Machine Gun Game) (Ultimate Destruction Machine Gun Game)
商願2008-065883 踊る!!シロクマ&パンダ (Dance!! Polar Bear & Panda)
商願2008-067593 昼ドラ (Noon Drama)
商願2008-067594 レディコミ (Lady Comi — possibly short for Lady's Comics)
商願2008-067595 品格アップ術 (Hinkaku Up Jutsu) (Dignity Up Technique)
商願2008-070177 遠山式立体表示研究所 (Tooyama-shiki Rittai Hyouji Kenkyuusho) (Research Lab of Tohyama-Shiki)
商願2008-070180 ファミリービーチ (Family Beach)

The CAPS LOCK ENTRIES are part of the original trademark, while the italicized entries are the romaji equivalents, and the Upperlower Case Entries are rough translations (some are by Kotaku, some are by me).

Sega's Shining Force Gear is most certainly the next entry into the long-running Shining Force series, so that is one to definitely keep an eye on (fingers crossed for an HD console entry).

I would also venture to guess that at least one of Square Enix's trademarks will be a new RPG, and there is some speculation that Blood of Bahamut may be related in some way to the obscure SNES RPG, Bahamut Lagoon. A remake? A series revival? Or (more likely) a DS port of the original? Only time will tell.

However, by far my favorite tradmark is Namco Bandai's Ultimate Destruction Machine Gun Game. I mean, how much cooler of a name could you make up? Not only are there Machine Guns, but they are ULTIMATE DESTRUCTION machine guns. Holy crap man.

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