Friday, October 17, 2008

Tales of Vesperia Receives an Award

I hope it shouldn't shock anyone here to learn that I absolutely love Tales of Vesperia. It's a fantastic game, and I would highly recommend it to just about anyone.

However, that is not news. What is news is that though the hype for the game has mostly quieted down over here (it seems we are always obsessed with waiting for the next big thing), Japan still loves them some ToV. So much so, that at Microsoft's annual post-TGS party in Japan, Namco Bandai and the development team behind Tales of Vesperia were awarded the Japanese Great Hit Title award.

Honestly, this is the first I've ever heard of this award (and I love its distinctly Japenglish name), but apparently it goes to a Japan-developed title that has sold the most copies on Xbox 360 that year. (As a side note, it appears that the game continues to sell well in Japan.)

I'm always happy to see such a well-developed game receive its rightful praise.

The Japanese capable among you can read Producer Goda's blog post about it here.

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