Thursday, October 16, 2008

Final Fantasy XIII Scans Reveal More Names

The latest issue of Shounen Jump has released a couple of new "details" (really, it's just names) for the upcoming (a relative term) trio of Final Fantasy XIIIs.

First up, Final Fantasy XIII (360/PS3) proper:

The blonde guy seen in many screens of the game, sometimes referred to as "That Guy in the Toque" (by yours truly), "Mr. 33cm" (a nickname given him by the developers), and "Bandanna Man" (I just recently became aware that some people called him this), is actually named Snow.

...Yikes. He has mean parents. "Snow" seems like something I would name my cat. Or maybe, if I was feeling cruel/creative, my daughter. But how cold-hearted does someone have to be to name their son Snow. Ouch.

Next, Final Fantasy Versus XIII (PS3):

As previously mentioned, the dark-robed protagonist is Noctus Lucious Cheram (or "Noct" amongst his friends), while the girl in the white dress is Stella Nox Fleure.

Finally, it was revealed that Final Fantasy Agito XIII (PSP) will feature a multiplayer feature of some sort (no doubt to capitalize on the success of multiplayer RPGs like Monster Hunter and Phantasy Star Portable), however, it is unclear at this point exactly how it will be implimented.

...I've said this before, but only Final Fantasy could get people excited by revealing nothing new but names of characters.

Final Fantasy XIII (proper) will be available in Japan on PS3 sometime next year, with no solid dates for North America, or either of the other FFXIII titles.

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