Thursday, September 4, 2008

Wind of Nostalgia gets a Debut Trailer, Release Date

Remember a while back when Tecmo announced that it would be publishing a new DS RPG developed by Matrix (the FFIII and FFIV DS guys)? Y'know, the one that kind of had a Skies of Arcadia feel about it? Wind of Nostalgia? Sure you do!

Well Tecmo just recently released a brand new "debut" trailer for the game, showing off its main characters, locales, airships, and all of that good stuff. And though the game takes place during the 19th century here on Earth, it, of course, features some heavy fantasy elements. As expected, it still retains a very heavy Skies of Arcadia feel for me, what with outdated 3D models (that the DS is so good at), the big emphasis on airships and airship battles, and the old school anime design.

The trailer also reveals a release date for Japan: November 6, 2008. Not too far off.

You can take a look at the trailer below.

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