Friday, September 5, 2008

Atelier Annie Teaser Gives me Warm Fuzzies

There's something very unique about Gust's Atelier series of RPGs. I can't exactly put my finger on it, but the old school feel, anime style designs, cheery-yet-haunting soundtracks, and surprisingly interesting stories always keep me hungry for more.

Well, they seem to have done it again. The recently announced Atelier Annie has just got its first teaser trailer that really shows off very little besides some character and location art, all displayed in terribly tiny resolution. And yet here I am, already super stoked for the game.

Give it a watch and see if you are as in love with Gust as I am.


Billy said...

Which would you recommend of the Atelier Iris games? I've heard that 3 was a lot worse than 1 and 2. How do you pronouce "Atelier" anyway?

Brandon said...

Of the Atelier Iris mini-series, I liked AI2 the best - it has the most traditional RPG story, and is probably the longest of the 3. That being said, I love AI1 and AI3 a lot too.

AI3 is quite different from its predecessors as it sees Gust trying out a bunch of new things. You'll basically be running errands for the majority of the game until you have enough "points" to do a section of the main story. There is, therefore, a lot of backtracking to places you've already been. It's not a completely wasted experience, but not as charming as AI1 or as epic as AI2. Still a good game for what it is.

And "Atelier" is pronounced like at-lee-ei (it's etymologically French) ->

Hope that helps. :)