Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Small Pile of Tales of Trademarks

Namco Bandai recently filed to trademark a small fortune of Tales of titles, presumably for upcoming titles in the popular RPG series.

In Japan, Namdai trademarked Tales of Floweria / Tales of Floria (the katakana is the same for these two, but both versions of the English were trademarked separately), Tales of Gracia, Tales of Unitia, Tales of Blessia, and Tales of Startear.

Floweria, Gracia, and Unitia were all trademarked at the same time, while Blessia, Floria, and Startear were trademarked together a little later.

Meanwhile, the company has trademarked Tales of Graces and Tales of Vs. (presumably pronounced "versus" rather than "vee-es," though I'm just guessing here) here in North America.

Putting on my educated guessing hat for a moment, Namdai typically trademarks three tentative titles for one project at once, only to pick one as the final later. For example, Tales of Vesperia's alternate trademarks were Tales of Strife and Tales of Valoria.

Considering that a total of 6 titles were trademarked in Japan - again conveniently in sets of 3 - it is easy to assume that the company has at least 2 Tales of games in the works nearing at least a semi-completed state.

Also, since テイルズオブフローリア (Tales of Floweria/Tales of Floria) was trademarked twice with different spellings, someone over there likes that name, and could end up being one of the titles used.

To guess further, since the title Tales of Graces was trademarked here in North America, I have $5 that says Tales of Gracia/Tales of Graces is the next title to watch for, and may even be the name of the yet un-named Tales of title in development for Nintendo Wii.

Tales of Vs.? Hm, maybe that's a Smash Bros.-inspired Tales of fighting game? (Think Dissidia with Tales of characters instead.) I don't know, it's just a guess.

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