Thursday, March 19, 2009

Here is New Concept Art Not from a Mistwalker Project

Take a good look at this picture. I don't think I'm way off base when I say, "this is pretty damn awesome!"

This concept piece was done by Kimihiko Fujisaka (the artist behind Panzer Dragoon, Drakengard, and the recently cancelled Cry On) for Mistwalker, and was recently put up on Mistwalker's official page.

Fujisaka, in a blog entry on the site, states that he is hard at work on the new Mistwalker project (that Sakaguchi mentioned back in December when Cry On's cancellation was announced), but that this particular piece is not for that project.

He goes on to lament the cancellation of Cry On, but assure us that he is going to put everything he has into this currently unnamed project.

So, hold on a minute here. There is a really cool piece of concept art released here, put up on Mistwalker's official site, and you want me to believe that it has nothing to do with Mistwalker's games?

Fine. If that's the way you want to play it.

However, let me just say that I thought it was interesting that the only colour in this piece (besides black and white) is blue. Strikingly so, in fact. I think it's also worth mentioning that this peice has a rather prominant dragon in it.

Just saying.


Brandon said...


I really want to hear what Mistwalker's next big project(s) is/are.

Anonymous said...

Funny to see 'western' artwork from a japanese artist. The details are cool but somehow i dont like the face of that person. The dragon is pretty cool btw.

Mistwalker is a bit different compared with developers, i mean check the album on there websites. Funny but meaningless pictures lolz.