Thursday, April 30, 2009

RPGs of Next Week: Not Missing Much Edition

I know it's not Monday, and I know I've been terrible at updating as of late. A combination of tonsilitis and last-minute Japan trip preparations have done a commendable job of robbing me of basically all of my time.

Speaking of the Japan trip, it starts tomorrow with a flight at an hour no human should be forced to be awake at. From there, I will be on the other side of the world for absolutely all of next week, nearly guaranteeing a complete dearth of updates until the 11th (at the earliest).

Thankfully (for me), next week looks even dryer in terms of new releases than most of April. The perfect time to take a vacation (in theory).

With that said, I give you the entire one release of next week (May 4 - 8, 2009):

North America
Magician's Quest: Mysterious Times - Konami - Nintendo DS



Quite the desert around here lately, isn't it?

I suppose North America could brag about being the only region getting an RPG this week, but really, Magician's Quest (or Enchanted Folk in Europe or Tongari Boushi in Japan) is really questionable in terms of both objective and RPG qualifications. Probably the half-retarded 5 year old brother of the RPG is a more fitting classification.

I guess it is notable that the third (and final?) exclusive downloadable packet for Fallout 3, Broken Steel, will be available for the Xbox 360 and PC versions next week. In North America and Europe, I should add.

Also, Puzzle Kingdoms, which I assume is similar to Puzzle Quest, is going to DS next week. This is probably the first time I've heard of the title, and really can't vouch for its authenticity as an RPG in any form, nor can I vouch for its quality as a stand-alone game.

Picking anything up next week?


Shane said...

Unfortunately, there just aren't very many RPGs coming out that warrant a purchase from me. Either way, have an excellent time in Japan!

Brandon said...

thanks. :)