Monday, June 16, 2008

Sword Machine Scoring Breakdown

F: Trash. An utter failure. None of the perks make up for the copious amount of glaring flaws. No one should have to endure this garbage. Absolutely no way we can recommend this to anyone.

D: Poor. Below average. While the game does have noticeable good points, the overall presentation is so poor that it will be hard to appreciate them. Unless you’re diehard for the series or genre, we recommend that you avoid it.

C: Average. The game fulfills what it set out to do, but no more. Noticeable flaws will prevent the game from being overly enjoyable, and tedium will set it more often than not. If you’re really interested, we recommend you rent it first, but otherwise, you can safely forget about it.

B: Good. Above average. The game has more strengths than weaknesses, and comes out being quite enjoyable. Anyone who likes the series or genre will definitely appreciate it. Overall, a solid, good game.

A: Excellent. If only all games were like this one. Any flaws present do not distract from the overall presentation. Gamers of any genre or series will still find something to appreciate about this title, and fans will be absolutely blown away.

S: Perfection. Zero flaws. 100% pure awesomeness. There is absolutely nothing to complain about. Every single gamer should buy this game. It is a true masterpiece.

NOTE: + or - may be added to the scores if you felt it was slightly better or worse than the original score. Please note, however, that Rank S cannot receive + or -.

NOTE: Rank S is reserved only for the absolute masterpieces. It should not be given out unless you feel that a game truly has no downsides and that almost everyone (RPG fan or not) would appreciate it.

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