Friday, May 30, 2008

Dracula and DS. They Both Start with 'D.'

Castlevania is my favorite action RPG series that I didn't know was an action RPG for

Konami has recently announced the next game in the series for the DS: Order of the Ecclesia. I must say, it looks like all kinds of bad ass. I, for one, absolutely loved Portrait of Ruin, and Order of the Ecclesia looks like it brings all of the 2D side-scrolling RPGing you can handle plus a bucket of chicken. Or was it a gun? ...I don't remember. I haven't watched the trailer in a whole hour, so such details tend to escape me.

Well, regardless of whether it was chicken or gun, the trailer is a definite MUST SEE for anyone who enjoys side-scrolling vampire slaying. And really, who doesn't?

Castlevania: Order of the Ecclesia is due out sometime this fall in Japan. No word yet on North American or European releases, but we'll keep you posted. In the meantime, stay away from mirrors (you can't see vampires in them!)

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