Thursday, May 29, 2008

Black Sigil Exiled to Q3

Black Sigil: Blade of the Exiled (formerly known as Project Exile) has been pulling a Duke Nukem Forever for like years. Every time we get close to a release date, Studio Archcraft swoops down and pushes the game back another quarter. But since it's "only" a quarter, we all think, "Oh, that's not much more. I can wait a few more months." I do it. You do it. We all do it.

Well, get prepared to do it again.

According to a press release from publisher Graffiti Entertainment's parent company Signature Devices, Black Sigil: Blade of the Exile will ship to retailers in quarter 3, 2008 (July-September). This slips past the promised Q2 2008 ship date that Studio Archcraft has on their website, making me a sad gamer.

I personally should stop hoping on fictional release dates and forget about the game until it actually comes out, but the allure of nostalgic 16-bit RPGing forces me to obey every insane whim that comes out of corporation land. DAMN YOU CORPORATION LAND AND YOUR FORCED SERVITUDE!

So what do you think? Will it really make the target release quarter, or is this another "will never actually make it out" games?

P.S. Does anyone else notice that Black Sigil acronymed is BS? :O

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