Thursday, September 4, 2008

White Knight Tells a Story this Christmas

If you are an RPG fan but only own a PlayStation 3 this generation, there's a good chance that you've been feeling pretty left out up until now. With most of the Japanese RPG support hanging out with the Xbox 360, and a handful of original titles announced for the Wii, PS3 owners have really just had to make do with Western RPGs, Xbox 360 hand-me-downs, and the promise that Final Fantasy XIII will be finished someday.

Well Sony and Level 5 have finally been moved by your tears, and have announced via Famitsu this week that long-in-development Shiro Kishi Monogatari (White Knight Story) will be available on PlayStation 3 on December 11, 2008 in Japan.

Level 5 has been awfully quiet about this title since its announcement back in 2006, so we unfortunately can't offer you much in the way of details. However, since this is Level 5 we're talking about, you can bet there will be some polished action-RPG gameplay with a... story. Yeah, there will probably be a story in there too. Don't quote me on that though.

Unfortunately, there has been no word of a North American or European release at the moment, but we will keep you informed when there is. Here's hoping the localization wait is shorter that Rogue Galaxy's....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Finally, a cool JRPG for PS3...^^