North America
Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley - Marvelous, Natsume - PSP
Monster Hunter 3 - Capcom - Nintendo Wii
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Game of the Year Edition) - Bethesda - Xbox 360, PlayStation 3
NieR Gestalt - Cavia, Square Enix - Xbox 360
NieR Replicant - Cavia, Square Enix - PlayStation 3
Nights in the Nightmare - Sting, Atlus - PSP
Ys: Felghana no Chikai - Falcom - PSP
Monster Hunter 3 - Capcom - Nintendo Wii
NIER - Cavia, Square Enix - Xbox 360, PlayStation 3
The talk of the RPG community is no doubt Capcom's Monster Hunter 3 (still curiously pronounced 'Tri') for Nintendo's white waggle box in both North America and Europe this week.
Japan meanwhile gets both the Gestalt and Replicant versions of NieR for Xbox 360 and PS3 respectively, as well as PSP ports for Nights in the Nightmare and Ys: Felghana no Chikai. Oh, and the ten million years late GotY edition of Oblivion. Woo.
Europe speeds ahead to grab NIER (the Gestalt version only) for 360 and PS3 before NA, while North Americans on the go can get into some more farming with the latest Harvest Moon for PSP.
Anything looking worth it to you this week?
Are you home sick? Oh no, you can come home NOW!
lol wtf.
i'm looking foward to nier, i hope it's worth playing.
also maybe the oath felghana psp, just wish it was in english.
i hope falcom brings ys7 and the new remake of felghana stateside.
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