Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Proof that Black Sigil Exists: A Launch Trailer

Studio Archcraft and Graffiti Entertainment's eternally delayed vapourware project, Black Sigil: Blade of the Exiled, released last week in North America. That sounds like a lie, right? I know I know. If I hadn't been playing it myself, I too would be all "pfffft, stop your LIES!" right now, too.

Graffiti, though, wants you to believe, and has released a launch trailer for the game, which you can watch below.

So there you go.

As I mentioned above, I myself have put several hours into the game, and can honestly say that the game is well-done. Inevitable comparisons to Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy VI aside, Studio Archcraft has succeeded in making an SNES RPG for the current generation (assuming you count the DS as "current") which has its own staying power.

I'll try to get an impression article up for it sometime this week for those interested.


Unknown said...

I am very interested I would like to hear about the first couple hours and if it's worth picking up.

-Oath said...

Im playing it now and enjoying VERY much as well.
Cant wait to hear what you think of it.