Monday, October 27, 2008

Ar Tonelico II Pushed Back to 2009

What is this, release delay day?

NIS America has unfortunately pushed the release of their highly anticipated Ar Tonelico II: Melody of Metafalica back to January 2009. Originally slated for mid December 2008, this is unfortunate news for those looking forward to return to the world of Ar Tonelico this Christmas.

With all of the games coming out in October/November/December, my wallet certainly doesn't mind the extension, but my order for this game was made together with Persona 4 from RosenQueen, meaning I won't get either game until January.

Guess I'm off to try and cancel P4 from RosenQueen and pick it up from Amazon...

We'll let you know when a final release has been solidified.


Billy said...

Pretty lame, though it gives me a little more time to catch up on other games (including Ar tonelico 1) before throwing yet another onto the backlog. As for P4, you should be preordering from Amazon anyway, they have it cheaper than RQ and also include a bonus artbook. I also have AT2 preordered from when they initially posted it with a preorder price of $29.99 instead of $39.99. Go Amazon.

Brandon said...

Yeah, learned my lesson. RosenQueen should only be used for NIS games. It was just so convenient to pick them both up at once, y'know?