Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Doka Doka!

Hey Gamers,

Here is a little something I just found on the net and it made me just crack right up, 'Dokapon Kingdom'. Dokapon Kingdom appears to be a PS2/Wii game the will be hitting our shores in Oct of 2008, and is closely related to the DS game 'Dokapon Journey' which is being released in Japan in June (but as of yet has no American release date). Both of the Dokapon games appear to be in the board-game/RPG hybrid genres that are currently in production by Sting, the creators of Riviera and Yggdra Union. Both of the Dokapon games are 4 players and appear to have the plot of "screw everyone else" which makes the game play look awesome. The games appear to be very humorous as Atlus has already been throwing jokes around the net about the after math of playing a Dokapon Game. Dokapon Kingdoms' game description, on Atlus website, includes a warning that no relationship counseling is included with the game. There is also a mock apology letter that Atlas has also released from player 4 to player 1.
(click to enlarge)

Dokapon Kingdom


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